Don't get me wrong, i love love love Christmas and ALL of the trappings and tidings that come with it, but that's a holiday, not a season. I fully intend on sharing my love for Christmas and twinkle lights at a later date, but now.. on to autumn!
Other season lovers (spring flower planters, summer sun worshipers and winter cuddle bugs) BEWARE.
First and foremost, there is candy-corn. Who doesn't love candy corn, seriously?! It's one of the many delicacies that is only attainable in the crisp fall months, which in my humble opinion, makes it a rare treat.

Obviously, a lover of Fall would be powerless against the love of a good pumpkin patch. (shout out to "little people, big world" and the Rolof family) But, my love isn't as shallow as a great pumpkin patch.

As a true fall-lover, i enjoy all of the wonders that come from the pumpkin aka: pumpkin carving, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkin pie, and my personal favorite..
pumpkin bread.

{I can already smell it baking in the oven}
Next, come the rich hues that usher in the cooler weather. I heart the colors of fall, brilliantly displayed in plain sight on the gorgeous trees during this magical time of year.

{i see a new OPI collection of fall colors in my future}
Along with the beautiful landscape that is evidence of this wonderful season is one of my
all. time. favorite. movies.
(this one is up there with Now and Then and Steel Magnolias)

Some (my mom included), find this movie sad, but I can't get enough. It perfectly depicts the fall season in one of my favorite cities, New York.
I watch it every year without fail to help mentally prepare for fall.
rent it. watch it. buy it. love it.
Rounding out my favorites of fall list is the lifeblood of the South. College Football.
What kind of southerner would I be if I didn't have a team that I've followed through ups (cough: 1998 SEC champs), and downs( the next decade + some) of my whole life?

anywho.. this is it.
the epic-ness of watching the Vols through the Vol Walk, the chanting of V-O-L-S, the billionth serenade of Rocky Top, and the ever-present orange that blankets Knoxville on game day.
doesn't get much better than that.
(except maybe if we had a steady coach or winning season, but no matter. that's just the icing on the cake anyway.)
So, there they are.
The tippy top reasons why i can't wait for September to finally get here.
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