Monday, April 8, 2013

{New} Partners

Getting back to a series you might have thought I'd forgotten about, Bachelor Beauties and Their Real-Life Day Jobs. (Okay, so it's a working title, but you get the point.) Back to a few of my fav Bachelor contestants' enviable jobs. The first was Sarah Herron, who works for the famous ad agency, 72 and Sunny. Today, I'm turning my head toward Capitol Hill, and the campaigning efforts of Lesley Murphy.

The blonde bombshell originating from my neighbor state of Arkansas (woo pig sooie) is a successful political consultant at the D.C. office of {New} Partners communications group (hence the post title--and shout out to my favorite politically-minded comms-lover located in good ole District of Columbia, Jessica Carroll.)

 Not only do I find knowing about politics enviable, Lesley knows enough to consult. I'd say that's pretty darn impressive. She also managed to keep her distinct Southern drawl and congenial hospitality among our Yankee friends above the Mason-Dixion line. For that, she deserves some credit.  
{Wore her fab Bachelor dress to the inaugural ball... holla}

And then of course there's her adorable style and the fact that she's also a Bachelor "sister wife" (like Sarah Herron).

{"CellfieSunday" with her friends = we would totes be friends}

Whether your red or blue when you head to the polls, we can all agree Lesley is equal parts precious and fierce.

*most photos from Lesley's instagram or google.


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