Friday, November 16, 2012

A Heart That Can Break

"Stop doing evil. Learn to do what is good. Seek justice. Correct the oppressor. Defend the rights of the fatherless. Plead the widow's cause." Isaiah 1:16-17

"Asa called to the Lord his God and said, 'Lord, there is none like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O Lord, our God.'" 2 Chronicles 14:11

"Have you been asking God what he's going to do? He will never tell you. God doesn't tell you what he's going to do or even how or why; what he does is reveal who he is." My Utmost for His Highest

My apologies for not posting for a week but the holidays are upon us and for me that means deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. That said, I've ironically spent more time reading my Bible this week than most I can remember; funny how God works like that, huh? Anywho, some might know that I'm going through the "living room series" focused on the book of Nehemiah. To say it's rocked my already crazy world would be the understatement of the century. I feel like everything in my life has echoed the challenges this study has initiated leaving even stubborn ole me to throw my hands up and say, "okay, God, I get it."

For those wondering what such challenges are:

1) I've been convicted to tithe lately. Weird because if I'm being honest I've never really tithed before. ever. But reading about how Nehemiah (a governor entitled to the best of the best) set aside his rightful privileges for the sake of his people I feel like I too can set aside a portion of my earnings for the church. 

"Our rights don't get to be god, our privileges are never the final word. Even if we deserve what's coming to us, if the end result is not the love of God and the love of others, what lies inside the lines of permissible is no longer beneficial." Kelly Minter "If God is asking you to lay something down for the greater good, He is able to repay you lavishly. Your rights will never outrun His blessings, even if those blessings aren't revealed until heaven."

2) Pray. Pray often, pray boldly. pray in the morning, pray in the evening. pray for those you love, and pray for those you don't. Be a prayer warrior for those who can't help themselves. Pray. Before Nehemiah ever acted, ever spoke of his plans, ever took a step, he prayed. He prayed for four months after hearing the news about Jerusalem before he spoke to the king. He didn't expect an answer immediately (like I do), nor did he ask everyone's opinion of his plans instead of what God's plan was.

a) Last night the bible study group decided to start a "dream team," a list of dreams that individually we cannot accomplish. The criteria is simple: our dreams must be BIG, bold, and 100% unattainable without God. We're going to write them all down, pray for each others dreams, and prepare for the opportunity when God opens the doors. It's a way to remain accountable for praying for each other, and for being bold in our faith. Taking that step with the courage that God is more powerful than I often give him credit for. "Have I been dreaming too small, chasing too little, content with what I can do with my own two hands?" Kelly Minter

b) In church, I've also been convicted to pray for the persecuted church. Christians around the world that do not have the freedoms, community of believers, or luxuries I have here in the United States. It's hard for me to comprehend, but modern day Christians are persecuted daily for their beliefs. I may not be able to fix their situation, but God can. And the desire of my heart is to petition on their behalf through the power of prayer.

c) Pray for our leaders, genuinely. "What would happen if we prayed, for those raised up to lead the way. Then maybe kids in school could pray, and unborn children see light of day. What if the life that we pursue, came from a hunger for the truth? What if the family turned to Jesus, stopped askin' Oprah what to do?" Casting Crowns

"Remember me favorably, my God, for all that I have done for these people." Nehemiah 5:19

"What if the armies of the Lord, 
picked up and dusted off their swords,
vowed to set the captive free, and not let Satan have one more?
What if the church for heaven's sake, finally stepped up to the plate,
Took a stand upon God's promise, and stormed hell's rusted gates?
What if His people prayed?"
Casting Crowns


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